Add Google +1 button on WordPress blog.
Google and Facebook rivalry is common news nowadays on tech world. Facebook like button is very famous and almost all the blogs and webpages around the world use it to increase their ... Continue Reading →
Add more controls on your YouTube videos with Embedplus.
As we all are aware that YouTube videos are viewed and shared all around the web world nowadays. YouTube allows sharing it on any webpage or blog by providing embedding codes which ... Continue Reading →
Manage all social networks under single dashboard Post ling.
In this age of social networks, communities, video sharing site, blogs sparing time on all these at a busy day would be a tough task. Well when we have leisure time it’s not a great ... Continue Reading →
Install WordPress on Microsoft.
It’s a known fact that WordPress is one of most blogging platform. The biggest hassle all those who use WordPress has been its little discomfort when hosted on Windows Based Hosting. ... Continue Reading →
Earn money from your blog or website with Flattr.
In order to promote our blog/website we have lots of option nowadays. Let it be Facebook fan page with like widget, twitter, stumbleupon, feeds, LinkedIn and many more. Well how it ... Continue Reading →
Best WordPress plugin to avoid unwanted comments -SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
Comments are the best section in our WordPress blog to find out how popular our blog is among public. If you have healthy comments for your topics it means that you have good amount ... Continue Reading →
WordPress Pingback and Trackback.
If you are WordPress blogger you might have come across different terms which are related to WordPress blogs, and not only WordPress blogs lots of same type CMS applications. Such ... Continue Reading →
How to remove “An automated WordPress update has failed to complete” error.
If you are hosting your blog on WordPress then you might have seen this error “An automated WordPress update has failed to complete” sometime or other. This usually happens when ... Continue Reading →
Simple contact us form for your WordPress blog.
Contact form or “Contact us page” is a vital section of our blog. This is section where outside people/visitor can contact you for any information, comments, suggestions or complains ... Continue Reading →