Regular readers will know that we like to share some tips and tricks on this site. Today is no different; we’re bringing you a massively helpful guide. Many people ask me if I can help them build a professional website. It’s something a lot of people need to know, so I decided to write a guide on it. If you look below, you’ll find an official guide to creating a website from scratch:

Choose A Website Building Platform
The first thing you must do is find a platform to build your website on. Back in the day, if you wanted to create a website from scratch, it was very technical. Unless you were familiar with web development and HTML, it would be tough. Nowadays, there is website building platform that makes the task a lot easier. You don’t have to worry about writing any coding; it’s all done for you. All you need to do is pick and choose what you want on your site.
There is a range of website building platforms out there for you to try out. Quite a lot of them will offer a free service for you to test before committing to a paid option. Arguably the most popular platform is WordPress. Lots of websites are built using it. However, you may find that another option is better suited to you, your needs, and your budget. No matter what, make sure you choose a platform before moving on to the next step.

Choose A Web Hosting Service For Your Website
After you’ve decided what platform you’re using, you need to choose a hosting service. A web host is something that connects your website to the internet. While doing this, you’ll also need to register a domain name. There are loads of web hosting options out there, and sites like have reviews on different ones. It’s important that you find a reliable host that can keep your website online at all times. The last thing you want is for your site to be continually offline because of host server issues. Do your research and pick the best one that you can afford.
As for your domain name, what should you go for? Obviously, a lot will depend on you and your website. If it’s a company website then something like ‘’ would be perfect. And, if you’re building a website for yourself, then use your name in the domain name instead. The domain extension doesn’t have to be ‘.com’ either, it can be whatever you like. Typically, things like .com, .org are seen as quite professional extensions. If you want your site to look as professional as possible, then stick to one of these options.

Choose How Your Website Looks
Okay, you’ve chosen your website building platform, host, and domain name. Now, it’s time to work on the site itself. Use the platform to determine how everything is going to look. You can pick from various templates if you so wish. Some people prefer to use a set template; others like to customize the general look of their site. It makes it more original, but can be a little bit time consuming. For me, the key is making your website look modern. There are sites like that have examples of modern web design for you to look at. I suggest doing some research and looking at the best sites around at the moment. Think about what makes them stand out and look great. Then, try and make your website look similar to theirs.
It’s essential that your website looks good if you want it to appear professional. No one will take it seriously if it looks old and outdated. Stick with the times and you’ll be in a good place. Also, you need to remember that there are multiple pages of a website. Everything isn’t on your home page. You’ll have other web pages that need to be designed and setup too. Thankfully, website building platforms let you select a theme that applies to every page on your site. So, they all have the same look and feel.
And there you have it, my guide to creating a website. If you follow everything here, you’ll find your website is extremely professional. It’s ideal for people that need a business website or a professional site for themselves. One thing I must add to this guide is that your website should be mobile friendly. When people view it from a mobile device, it should function well and look perfect. Thankfully, lots of platforms automatically optimize your site for mobile use.