Increase blog traffic for beginners is a basic guide for newbie bloggers. But before going into it let me tell you the one golden rule which any blogger must know or understand and that is “Content Is The King”. Increase blog traffic tips and tricks won’t help you if you are not serious about your content. For that you should write good,useful and relevant articles on your blog. Now let’s suppose you are doing that, means you are writing some good content for your readers and then if you ask what else I should do to increase blog traffic, this post will give you the answer.
How to Increase Blog Traffic:
As the name suggest you can increase blog traffic by sharing your contents on web to different social networks and other content sharing networks which will give you more traffic. So you need to create pages and profiles in services like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn etc. You can also create your profile in blogging community like Bloggers, Indiblogger, Stumbleupon, Digg etc. Now doing this does not mean that you will get 1000’s of visits without really working hard. But if you are serious blogger who writes good articles these above mentioned can really help you improving your visitor count or traffic.
Increase Blog Traffic with Newsletter Subscription:
Increase blog traffic by creating mail lists,subscription and rss.Create an account in Google Feedburner which is absolutely free. Give your visitors option to subscribe your articles. Place subscription boxes and make it visibly soothing so that any visitor feels it as an easy work. Getting good number of subscribers to blog is great thing. First of all it will engage your visitors and blog which means you will get lots of returning visitors (people who will come back and visit your blog again and again) and thus you will be able to build some great loyal fans/followers to your blog.You can also help in increase blog traffic by utilizing services like MailChimp which can be used to invite more people through email to your blog and ask them politely to subscribe your blog newsletters. Please don’t spam since if you do, it will adversely effect your blog and even chances are there that your blog may get black listed by Google etc.
Increase Blog Traffic with Social plugins:
You can increase blog traffic by use of social plugins,Add plugins and social sidebars to your blog page/post. This will help your visitor in sharing your contents to social network or subscribe in a very easy way. You can use plugins like Digg Digg , Get Social , Share This , Socialize etc for that. Make sure that you don’t overdo it since too many of them can cause slow down the load time of blog and more over your page will look ugly and cluttered and as a result rather than increase blog traffic it goes the opposite way.
SEO plugins:
Increase blog traffic by improving your Search Engine Optimization commonly referred as SEO. You will get lots of free WordPress plugins which will suggest you or rather automatically help you in improving your SEO. It’s very important that you follow at least the basic rules in SEO which helps Search Engines to find your blog quickly and your content gets good rank in Google and finally resulting in increase blog traffic and visitors. Some plugins which I recommend for this All in One SEO Pack , WordPress SEO by Yoast etc.
Increase Blog Traffic by Writing Guest Posts and Allowing Guest Post:
You can increase blog traffic by creating and accepting guest articles for your blog.Once you have gained confidence you can submit guest articles on different blogs. Points to be noted when going for this is, you submit guest articles to well ranked blogs which would be really great for your blog in getting wide exposure and ultimately lot more traffic . Write good unique and helpful articles so that your submissions are approved with out any issues. Add back links to your blog. (Make sure your read Guest post submitting TOS of particular blog before you submit content). Many low ranked sites will also give you chance to write for them but the problem is it won’t help your blog much since low ranked blogs themselves are trying hard to get good visits and can hardly help you in anyway other than some low ranked back links, but when it’s a well ranked blog it can give you lots of visitors from their blog through your back links. Also getting backlinks to your blog from a well ranked blog helps you in improving your Google search rank. Same way you can accept guest blogs from others but make sure that you are getting good relevant contents not just a piece of crap.You can also increase blog traffic by participating in many online article submission sites and sometimes it will even give you an opportunity to earn some additional bucks.
Increase Blog Traffic tips are very basic lessons of blogging and if you follow them, it can really help in improving your blog rank. Remember there are millions of blogs online and many thousands join the party every day. So it’s all about sticking to the basics and getting noticed.
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[…] for newbie bloggers. Last time we have already discussed about tips like “Best SEO plugins”, “Increase blog traffic”etc., this article we will discuss about single post and how can we make it more attractive or […]