I have explained about 5 best URL/link softener websites in one of my previous post “Shorten URL links with 5 best URL Shortner.”Which help you shortening a link/URL into small URL so that it becomes easy for you to remember or share. Now in this post I explain a service which will show the original link of a short URL. Now this important and handy why? Think a situation when some spammers send you link in the short form and with the name of your friend or relative. You don’t know what’s it and thinking it’s a legitimate link you click and it makes the spammers access your system or create variety of problem and hard days for you ahead. So if you are not sure about any such link the LinkPeelr would help you. Only you need to copy the short link in the text box and click Peel. That’s it LinkPeelr shows you the original link of the short URL. I hope this will be a very handy site have with nowadays since short links are becoming very common these days and vulnerability though them have increased.
LinkPeelr also have a Google Chrome extension which you can download which helps you detecting the short links by just placing the mouse curser over the link
Check it out: LinkPeelr Homepage.
Chrome Browser Extension: Install from here. (Only works with Google Chrome Browser)
Hope this helped,do comment.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ilya Bagrak, techdunes. techdunes said: Find real link from a short URL with LinkPeelr. – http://tinyurl.com/37vv5xu […]