Google Reader To Retire on July 2013.How To Backup Google Reader.
Google Reader Retiring: Google has confirmed that it’s shutting down Google Reader service. Google Reader service will be retired on 1st of July 2013. Google has said that they ... Continue Reading →

Windows 8 Pro: Reserve And Pre Order Your Copy Now.
Windows 8 Pro,Microsoft is coming out with its new version of Windows 8. Latest news from Microsoft is that now you can pre order and reserve Windows 8 Pro. Microsoft says now you can ... Continue Reading →

Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini Features Quick Look.
Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini Features: Samsung has launched finally its mini version of S3 series, Samsung Galaxy S3 mini. In an earlier article we have informed about the expected Samsung ... Continue Reading →

Windows 8 Firefox Metro Browser To Be Launched Soon.
Windows 8 Firefox Metro Browser will be live very soon. Mozilla community is said to have already stated the testing the Firefox Metro browser which is designed for Windows 8.
Windows ... Continue Reading →

Jelly Bean: An Awestruck Operating System of Android.
Jelly Bean:These days, the operating system that exists in smart phones and tablets varies in different forms and out of those operating systems Android is gaining much popularity ... Continue Reading →

News: Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini Launching Soon.
Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini would be new effort from Samsung electronics to come back on track in smartphone race. Present scenario is not so overwhelming for Samsung with its recent defeat ... Continue Reading →

Sony Tablet: Sony Joins The Tablet Market.
Sony tablet will be soon available for users wide over very soon.As of now tablets are everywhere, filling the shelves of consumer electronic stores. It may seem like a daunting task ... Continue Reading →

Introducing Nokia Lumia 920 with Wireless Charging.
Wireless charging is coming to Nokia Lumia 920, In last quarter, Nokia sold nearly 4 million phones, and it is still behind Android Smartphone. Perhaps this wireless charging technology ... Continue Reading →

Sky Drive: Official Android App Released.
Sky Drive official app for Android devices has been officially released by Microsoft. This app is available for public on Google Play. This official app from Microsoft was updated ... Continue Reading →

Microsoft Unveils its New Logo.
Microsoft has unveiled its new logo after 25 years. Microsoft says that this is best time for Microsoft as the company is going generation next with its Windows products like Windows ... Continue Reading →