India:5 top ranked Ultrabook laptops.
Ultrabook is famous in the world because of less weight and size without compromising performance. In India, there are several ultrabooks available at reasonable price. I am mentioning ... Continue Reading →
Should I Buy a Laptop or Desktop Computer ?
There are so many choices for computer users these days. You can buy a laptop, a desktop, a tablet or use a smart phone. Some people use them all for different applications. If you’ve ... Continue Reading →
Remove preinstalled software’s/apps from new pc with The PC Decrapifier.
When we buy a new pc or laptop it’s a common thing that we finds lots of applications/software’s preinstalled with that. What I have felt is lots of them are real mess to keep ... Continue Reading →
Chat with users worldwide on Google Maps with Likeourselves.
Likeourselves.com is a unique kind of service by which you can chat anonymous users on Google Maps. This would be a handy service if you are on tour or visiting any destination world ... Continue Reading →
Simple command line trick to find out your computer serial number.
Sometimes we get into a situation where we need our computer serial number. But usually these serials are printed on the cpu/back side of our laptop. There are chances that it gets ... Continue Reading →
Facebook’s “Remote logout Facility” to enhance security.
Facebook is consistently improving their features when it comes to its user security and privacy. A lot of security addition has been added recently which will make online users more ... Continue Reading →