As expected Google has started rolling out vanity URL for Google Plus pages and profiles. This means that now we can customize and change Google+ profile URL which at present is quite large into small and easy to remember link/URL.
This means that like Facebook now we can set custom names for our Google plus page but at present this option is not available to everyone and only selected few “verified” profiles and pages can use this feature.

Toyota Google Plus page

Britney Spears Google Plus page
If you want to apply for your Google Plus vanity URL you need to submit a request which will verify your profile and once you have passed you can create your own custom vanity URL.
Well if you don’t want it fast then you can wait a little more till this feature becomes open to all Google Plus users.
Apply for vanity URL here: Google Plus verification for Vanity URL.
Hope this helped, do comment and don’t forget to subscribe.