Attracting visitors for sure is the biggest aim of any blogger. We use multiple ways to do the same like for example we will try to share our articles on social network; we will create subscriptions, Youtube videos and many more.
Once such way to attract visitors is to conduct Giveaway campaigns where bloggers will offer some kind of prize for its visitors and in return they will ask for Facebook likes, subscribe to posts etc.Rafflecopter is online web service dedicated for creating and conducting Giveaways. Biggest advantage of Rafflecopter is that webmasters/bloggers will not have to manually setup and design Giveaways and Rafflecopter will do the job for them.

Rafflecopter screen
Creating giveaway promotion with Rafflecopter is very simple; you can embed an entry form on your site that incentivizes users to perform tasks in exchange for entries into a sweepstakes.
Rafflecopter is compatible with WordPress, Blogger. You can add them as Widgets or inside any post.
Learn more: Rafflecopter.