Have you ever faced situation when you have brought an appliance or product from some dealers and find it not working. You report the same to them or return the it for replacement/repay/repair and then you find that nothing happens.
As a consumer, you and I face such situations often after which we try approaching the company to whom we paid money. The most painful part of this experience is to get the company to hear out your complaint. They make you wait for a long time on helpline call before you get to speak to the agent on the other end. The agent then takes down your details and promises a delivery date/time for resolution. But we don’t always get the issue resolved on time and we have to follow up with them to get our complaints resolved. In few cases we see that the company fails to respond to your complaint by citing technical glitches or simply not responding to your calls. In few other cases, you are told that your complaint has been forwarded to the technical department who will revert back to you. What happens after that is everybody’s experience and the reason for tension and high blood pressure in consumers.
ShoutOut is a new service which aims to force companies to act on the consumer’s problem out of fear arising from negative word-of-mouth publicity. By using power of internet, ShoutOut amplifies word-of-mouth effect so that people can easily find others’ complaints against any company by simply searching on Google (or any search engine).
How to use ShoutOut:
Once you are in ShoutOut portal, from the homepage you are supposed to provide details like your product/service name, name of company, your phone number, your location, and details about of complain.
See the below screen:
Note: this service is available for Indian consumers only.
Learn more: Shoutout.