Since we are living in a digital age we see lots of electronic and digital stuffs booming in the market luring customers, but the problem is we never know till we buy them and use them how good it is or does it give the real value of money. In this post I will tell you how you can check memory drives, usb storage sticks and other card storage device if it’s good or bad or whether it gives us real value of money which we have paid.
H2testw is light free application which can test the integrity of any memory cards, USB thumbdrives etc and let you know quickly if it’s really good or fake. H2testw tests any selected disk by sending test data to the disk and then reads them back to check the integrity of the disk. If the results shows no error on then it’s almost sure that there are no capacity-related problems or errors. H2testw can also be used to detect manipulated USB sticks/memory cards which shows wrong size/capacity specification. Disk capacity manipulation is used by many fake vendors/manufactures to show wrong storage size fooling poor customers.
Grab this tool: H2testw.
Important note: You should only use this tool when your storage device is empty or do not have any important data in it.
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