Maintaining a blog or website is not a simple task every time, especially if if you have professional aim with these you need to take care of lots of things. For example your blog should be fast enough to load so that your visitor does not navigate away due to dizziness in loading.
In this post I will explain about 2 good free online services by which you can do a check about your site health especially how it’s appearing to worldwide visitors.
- Pingdom:
This is very useful free online service by which you can check your website/blog load time, DNS health, ping, trace route etc. Pingdom is pretty neat service and can give perfect results which can be used to know present conditions of your webpage and where are areas which need improvement.
- Watchmouse:
Almost similar type of service as Pingdom offers, but Watchmouse has a larger test points for example if need to ping your webpage Watchmouse can help you by ping your page from more than 50 worldwide locations. As Pingdom, Watchmouse also offers Ping test , DNS test, trace route test.
Apart from these both service provides lots of services like alerts, email updates, reports and many more. Both the services have free and premium plans.
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