Google has released yet another application quietly in the market which focuses to help business owners in interacting with their customers quite easy and efficient way, Google Talkbin is such a new service from Google. With Talkbin your customers can send feedbacks or queries about your product or service from their mobile phone in real time.
How Talkbin Works/features:
- When you sign up for TalkBin service you will be provided with a TalkBin phone number. This dedicated number will be posted on signs throughout your store/products. Now your customers can send their messages to your business to your TalkBin number which is then forwarded to you.
- You will receive customer message as a text message, email, or on the dashboard. None of personal information is exchanged which becomes important for the privacy and this will also, encourage honest communication from your customers.
- Replying to the feedback/query is also pretty simple, all you have to do is to hit the reply button from the phone or email and your response is send to your customers.
The advantage of such service is that customers get confident on your products/service since they are able to interact with owners directly.
See what customer’s had to say about TalkBin service.
Unlike much Google service, Google TalkBin is a paid service which is at the rate $25/month/location.
Learn more: Google TalkBin.
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