Below are list of some very cool smileys and symbols which you can use on Facebook chat. Well to add on it will even work perfectly with Yahoo Messenger and Gtalk or most of the common messengers. The main aim in publishing this is to help people around who don’t know much about it.
Most common set:
Happy : ) Really happy : D Wink ; ) Happy eyes ^_^ Laughing eyes >:o Cat smile :3 Grumpy >:( Sad : ( Crying :'( Shocked :O Glasses 8 ) Cool shades 8| Tongue : P Woot?! O.o Dork -_- Duhhh :/ Devil 3:) Angel O:) Kiss :* Love < 3 (for this ♥) Pacman :v Robot : |] Dude :putnam: Shark (^^^) Penguin <(“) Forty Two :42:
Play with text:
Bold: *(your text)* Underlined: _(your text)_ Bold & Underlined: *_(your text)_*
The reverse set: zZʎʎxXʌᴧn∩ʇ⊥sSɹᴚbΌdԀoO Face Set Face 1: ಠ_ಠ Face 2: ಥ_ಥ Face 3: ¯\(°_o)/¯ Face 4: ب_ب Face 5: ◕ ‿ ◕ Face 6: m(><)m Face 7: o(╥﹏╥)o Face 8: //(ㄒoㄒ)// Face 9: {{{(>_<)}}} Princess Leia StarWars: @-_-@ .. @-.-@ .. @>.<@ Butterfly: εїз Fish to right: ><((((º> Fish to left: <º))))>< Other Interesting: …………(0 0) |
IMP NOTE: There should not be spaces between the Smileys published on the left side of the row,then only it will be displayed. I have intentionally kept the spaces else WordPress will read the smileys like this
Well there are many more, will post later. :). Do subscribe our articles so that you don’t miss any.
Jul 22. 2011
Very nice Post. Here a my text smiley (。>_<。)
Jul 29. 2011
Facebook in today’s context is one of the basic for most of the people all over the world.Today Facebook is the mostly opened website then Google in some countries.