If you are Blogger then you will know how important is for you get good amount of recurring visitors who visits your blog regularly. Bloggers use many ways to increase amount of visitors and subscribers to their blogs. In this post I will tell you about one such plugin which helps you increase number of your subscribers to blog, increase your Facebook fans and many more. Viperbar is such a plugin which can help you in this. Once you install this plugin and activate it on your blog it will add a social bar on the footer of your blog.
You can customize the looks and feel of the viper bar, add you feed subscription details, page links, rss and many more.Adding a social bar on the footer can make your visitors to check it which in return can end up them in clicking like or subscribing to your blog.
Viper bar is free plugin and is light when compared others on web, also it’s pretty nice when it comes to customizing also.
You can grab it here: Viperfeed bar plugin.
You can read more: Viperbar Homepage.
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