Certain websites are very strict when it comes to its contents. There are many sites which blocks certain common features like right click on images, selection of texts or complete block of right click on any part of the webpage. Well this is additional security feature and by this what webmaster wants to make it clear is that they don’t want anybody to copy the any contents of webpage. Well bypassing this is pure illegal. Still sometimes it happens that you need to copy some information may be local project or just to use it personally. So in this post I will explain how you can avoid this, it’s pretty simple all you need to enter javascript:void oncontextmenu(null) on the browser address bar.
Hope this helped, do comment.
Raghu Srinivasan
Sep 18. 2011
Your suggestion not working. I am giving a web page link to you for a try. http://ssmatri.net/setup/profile_view_160310.asp?Sno=21724.
Sep 18. 2011
This site is protected heavily with Java since the webmasters wants to forbid users in copying materials or content from website. So literally doing this is illegal.
Now you can block the java script or literally any page (only for Firefox browser) by installing this add-on : No script. Then you can install this here and then try out. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/downloads/latest/722/addon-722-latest.xpi?src=noscript.ownsite . Once installed try it. You can do want ever you want.
Warning: Using it for illegal purposes can create problem.
Have a nice day