As Facebook’s popularity increase so increases the chance it being more targeted by bad people and Ha*k*r’s. But Facebook has always tried hard to keep its resources secure. As a step in this scenario Facebook now introduces HTTPS (Secure login). HTTPS makes Facebook more secure and protects from attacks and ha*ks . Facebook claims its commitment to security is most important for them and they always give priority on data privacy and user privacy. HTTPS security is really handy since now public internet and access points are common. The security in all these places can be compromised and we can be never sure of it.
You can activate these settings from “Account Security” section of the Account Settings page. You can also set alert which will be send to email whenever you login to Facebook from a new computer from this page.
Facebook also goes a step ahead on security verification by removing the traditional CAPTHA verification which has lots of limitation to something Facebook unique, it shows images of your friends (3 friends) and asks for the name. (Select the correct name), a ha*ker may get your password but may find it really tough to find the name friends listed in the image.
Note: Things to keep in mind while using HTTPS secure connection:
1. Facebook with HTTPS enabled will have longer load time. So the whole browsing experience would be slow.
2. If you are Facebook application freak, it’s a NO NO for now. Facebook HTTPS connection will not support Facebook application at present.
3. You can experience minor issue since HTTPS connection is still in first/early phase. So relax.
Hope this article is helpful. Do comment. 🙂