We may lot of time face this situation that we urgently need a pdf file and we do download it from the site and then we realize that we need to do a modification on the file ,and we try for that but that’s not happening because the file is restricted for copying ,editing and other stuffs.Well this is when we need to remove the restrictions from the pdf file so that we can edit this and create a new copy and save it for our purpose.
And for this purpose there is freeware ,this simple freeware successfully removes the restrictions like edit ,copy and print.
Freeware PDF Unlocker,you can do download this software from below mentioned site and install the software.Once the software is installed it makes a short cut on the desktop.After installation open the folder with the pdf file which you want to unlock,keep the folder minimized and you need to drag and drop the pdf file to the shortcut on desktop.Then a command window appears which will show the process and once completed you can see a copy of pdf document,if you open that you will find all the restriction removed.Now you can open the you file and make changes what ever is required.Thats it.
Download the software from here : Freeware PDF Unlocker