Recently I had viewed an ad on television about Speakasia service. I just checked it online just to know what’s it’s all about since it had said in its ad that it’s something which will make people earn.
Well I just checked it online and found out this.
- It’s some type of online survey site. Well I had seen many, but with look and feel I felt it more genuine.
- Well I don’t know it’s good or bad, but the registration process seems confusing at first look. First option to register is show send Speakasia your income statement from 20 Global online survey companies, second is to participate in a test (test center on Mumbai, India and Singapore with a payment of $60) or purchase with $ 110 or $220. Well this section which can confuse lots of people and even will make them exit the webpage.
- Registration process altogether confusing and lots of process involved.
Well you may ask why I have explained you all this. Simply because the advertisement looks pretty brilliant on media but when you check it on reality its very confusing. I think the owners or concerned people should make it simpler for public to understand.
Well don’t take my words, you can check it out. Speakasia Homepage.